Painting and Poetry

Main topics

Painting/writing/ Self-love and confidence

How much time do you need?

60 minutes

How many people do you need?

15 people

Material required

Paints: magenta, gold, black, violet, blue, white silver, red, 3 brushes n. 6, 5, 3 and canvas.


Preparation Stage

It is important for the facilitator to define beforehand the word/poetry that will be used in order to create a space of reflection on a specific topic (love, past, humanity, letting go, etc.). Moreover, the facilitator will use a white canvas that should be placed in the middle of the room/setting where the workshop will take place, so as to paint an abstract piece of art that reflects the poetry used.

The workshop

While the facilitator is performing the word/poetry chosen, the he uses different colours to express each emotion in each line. The painting result does not have to be something specific but rather  something that lets the painting come to life with every brush stroke.

If a topic of self-love and confidence is chosen, the facilitator could dig deep into what drives us as humans to not really accept and love ourselves as we should. It is important to take into account that all  people might have experienced the same feeling even though they come from different places and have different stories (all the experiences that  have shaped the people that they are now)they can all have . As the facilitator is venturing into this, the colours and canvas bring the words to life, both from the facilitator and the participants who during all the process are asked to write a few words and paint their meaning on their own canvas and piece of paper.

Learning Outcomes

The end game here is to let everyone understand that they allhave a way out. Expressing yourself has no guidelines, as well as self-love and confidence.