Making Music with Drums

Main topics

Drum/Music therapy

How much time do you need?

80 minutes in total

How many people do you need?

15 people

Material required

15 drums, heater (for drum warming), portable chairs, sitting space for 15 people and  30 drumstick (two per person)


Preparation stage

The preparation stage in this workshop is fundamental to achieve the learning goals envisaged by the facilitators. It’ s possible to deliver this activity using professional and real drums or sustainable musical instruments.

What is important?

  • One drum per person
  • Two sticks per person
  • A big and comfort space with chairs

To make sustainable drums you can use different materials as thick plastic buckets or other robust and lightweight materials. Be aware to have two sticks per drum. This is important to create the rhythm inside the group and have the same sound around the room.

The workshop

One of the most important thing to keep in mind during this workshop is to create a strong team who is able to express its feelings and reflect together on the effect of music on young people. To create this positive environment, make sure you have short team building activities and present the workshop explaining the aims and underlining the power ofte music.

The facilitator plays a key role. He/she has to give the rhythm and make sure that the whole group follow his/her instructions. To see an example of rhythm, see the videos in the official website of ARTCOM project.

The group will start with different sounds, somebody will be in late with the rhythm, somebody will be in a hurry. The facilitator will lead the group step by step until it will become a unique core of people making the same sound. They will learn to listen the others and to wait or support their fellow, learning by doing their own session of drumming.

To create a different variation of this workshop, it’s possible to divide the group into two part: one will make music with drums and one will dance following the rhythm of the music. The facilitator will always lead the workshops and support young people to explore the meaning of working in team using a powerful tool as music.

Learning outcomes

Young people will achieve the following learning goals:

  • Improved skills in the field of music and social inclusion;
  • Greater sharing of ideas and opinions;
  • Improved socialization skills and sharing of best practices.